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The purpose of McDowell CHOICES is to develop, implement, and evaluate an integrated approach to improving physical activity participation using evidence-based strategies across multiple settings (school,community and family).
McDowell CHOICES has provided significant enhancements in physical activity equipment for each of McDowell County's 11 schools.
In addition, McDowell CHOICES supports three after school physical activity programs at each school. Of these three programs, one program invites parents & family members to participate in physical activities with their students.
McDowell CHOICES helps schools adopt a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP), a multi-component approach by which school districts and schools use all opportunities for students to be physically active, meet the nationally-recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day, and develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime. For more info about CSPAP, visit this website from the CDC.

McDowell CHOICES strives to give individuals at each school site the most control over the decision-making process while incorporating the knowledge & expertise of the project team at West Virginia University’s College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Each school’s wellness committee, principal, and school leader, (typically the physical education teacher) have a direct role in the equipment and programs provided. In addition, the McDowell CHOICES team works closely with the McDowell County Schools Board of Education and communicates with an Advisory Board of local officials.

- Provide instructional materials and equipment to support the development of a standards-based physical education curriculum across all grade levels
- Equip schools with the resources needed to establish other physical activity opportunities before, during and after school
- Integrate new instructional technologies into the physical education and health education programs
- Offer continuing professional development opportunities for all health and physical education teachers
- Engage families in key health-related behaviors
- Improve children’s health status and attitudes toward physical activity
- Establish joint use arrangements to increase community access to existing physical activity spaces
- Partner with local schools and community groups to develop physical activity programs at various locations across the county